Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's blog cherry poppin' time!

Finally, fall semester is over and it's time to get out of Florida and do some boating. But oh yeah, DROUGHT! So nothing close is running really but I made it up to the Green this week. The release was 7-12 and it was pretty friggin' cold so after delaying a bit we put on just after 11. Other than not being able to feel my hands half the time the low temps were pretty cool as there were icicles hanging all along the banks.

I've been telling myself for a while that on the next trip down it's time to knock out one of the Big 3, so we got to Go Left and I started to psych up for my first run. Here's the picture sequence.

Boy did I come through the slot with a smile on my face and one heck of an adrenaline rush. After that everything was gravy until we got to Powerslide. It was my only my 4th time down but I'd never had any trouble with it. Anyways, the first guy down seemed to have a good line, but got caught in the hole at the bottom, surfed a bit and got out. I went next and the same thing happened. I was a little to far left coming over the roostertail so I tucked forward and tried to sub through the hole but it didn't quite work. I surfed for the better part of a minute, thought about swimming, finally made it out exhaused. The rest of the run was uneventful, overall a great day on the river. I'll leave you with another sequence from Groove Tube.
